Part 6

10 Randoms But Amazing Facts

1. Rain contains Vitamin B12. 

2. One million Earths could fit inside the sun!

3.An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. 

4. You can't breathe and swallow at the same time.

5. Number four is the only one with the same amount of letters.

6.The opposite sides of the dice always add up to seven.

7.Pigs can’t look up into the sky – it’s physically impossible.

8.Most people fall asleep in seven minutes.

9. In 2006, a Coca-Cola employee offered to sell Coca-Cola secrets to Pepsi. Pepsi responded by notifying Coca-Cola.

10. KP Sharma Oli, Former Prime Minister of Nepal, is the only Prime Minister in the world who has done Kidney Transplant twice in his life.

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